About Us

At Drones for Kids, we’re just getting started. But here is a brief overview of who we are and why we are doing what we’re doing….

The Drones for Kids Mission

We are devoted to providing the best reviews, advice, and news on drones for kids of all ages. That means that we will comb through online reviews of kid and beginner appropriate drones to distill the best insights available. We will also review specific models ourselves.

We will provide advice on what to look for in a first drone for a kid or beginner, as well as advice and tutorials on how to fly safely.

Finally, we will provide news about the latest in drone technology, especially as it applies to the beginning drone enthusiast, kids, and science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education.

Who We Are

This site was created by Sean Lawson, a professor of communication at the University of Utah. Sean became a drone enthusiast several years ago when his wife bought him his first drone* for Christmas. Since that time, he has purchased several other ready-to-fly (RTF) drones. He has also built custom drones and drones from kits.

Sean quickly developed an interest in the many emerging uses for drones, as well as the public debates around regulation of civilian drones. As a result, he has published a number of popular and peer-reviewed articles on these issues. He has developed and taught university-level courses on drones and society.

Why Drones for Kids?

Drones are just cool! There’s just no way around the fact that they are a lot of fun for kids of all ages.

More seriously though, toy drones are a great way for kids and other beginners to get started in the world of drone flying. They are cheaper and safer than their larger, more feature packed cousins. They are a great introduction to a growing hobby.

What’s more, drones are increasingly being used in STEM education. Additionally, most assessments show a dramatic growth in drone related jobs in the next decade.

Nonetheless, it can be difficult for parents and beginners to know what to buy, how to operate safely, and how to navigate the federal, state, and local rules related to drones. We hope that this site will help to educate kids, parents, and other beginning drone hobbyists on these issues.

Stay tuned!


* Product links like this one are affiliate links. Purchases made using these links help us to cover the costs of site hosting, maintenance, and content creation. We make sure that our product reviews are honest and as objective as possible.